Become a Member
Levels of Membership
There are two levels of membership, Ordinary Members and Associate Members.
Ordinary members are national trade associations or groups of national trade associations that represent individuals or organizations in their respective countries who are actively participating in the fresh produce supply chain, and act in a representative capacity; and have voting rights, one per Ordinary Member.
Associate Membership is open to individuals or organizations who are associated with but not actively participating in the fresh produce supply chain industry. Associate members do not have voting rights.
The member group provides an international forum to address issues that require international harmonisation or standardisation for the produce sectors and creates the first incorporated body constituted of national organisations providing direct representation of their respective countries' constituents.
More information
If you want more information about becoming a member please contact us by email or contact the IFPS Incorporated office.
Membership fees
Member pay a yearly membership fee.
Fees will be paid on an annual basis.
Membership is for a one year period commencing September 1st and ending August 31st.
Fees for membership have been set by the General Assembly. The fees are £1000 (British Pound Sterling) for Associated members and £ 500 for Ordinary members and must be submitted at the time application is made.
Renewal invoices will be sent to members at the beginning of each fiscal year.
All fees must be submitted to the IFPS United Kingdom office at the address below.
For additional information on submitting fees, please contact the IFPS.
For application please send us your application form. After sending in your application will be send to the General Assemble for qualification.
Download here your Membership Form.