IFPS Sustainability Efforts Related to PLU Stickers
The IFPS is supporting various industry efforts around the globe to ensure that government regulations do not inadvertently disrupt trade and commerce through well-intentioned, but potentially significantly disruptive, legislation related to PLU stickers. Through member and Board activities, the IFPS has connected with both national industry efforts and directly with governments in the EU, France, Belgium, the U.S., Canada, and New Zealand. If additional country or industry outreach is required, please contact the IFPS Secretariat.
The following resources are available to assist industry in efforts:
IFPS Supports the UN Sustainable Development Goals
Sustainability is high on the agenda in most countries. The UN's sustainable development goals represent the world's joint work plan for eradicating poverty, combating inequality and addressing climate change by 2030.
The International Federation for Produce Standards (IFPS) is composed of national fresh fruit and vegetable (produce) associations from around the globe. Recognizing the importance of sustainability to the sector, sustainability has been included as the 4th pillar of IFPS in addition to Product Identification, Food Safety and Information Management and Standardisation.
IFPS has put a focus on sustainability goal No. 17 Partnerships to achieve the Goal through our coalition of fruit and vegetable associations from the around the globe.
Through sharing of knowledge and providing insights and inspiration, the IFPS will increase knowledge and understanding of our commitment to the UN Sustainability goals including the development, focus and efforts in sustainability in different countries.
Through our own work on sustainability, and by working together, IFPS wants to contribute to achieving these goals. Our first step will be to create a network for shared learning.
We believe that the fruit and vegetable industry can make a difference and that IFPS’s commitment toward the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) will in turn encourage our partners and members to support them.
Sustainability Committee
Dan Duguay | Canadian Produce Marketing Association | Chair
Angela Reid | Fruit and Vegetable Growers of Canada
Elena Tomanovich | GS1 (Global)
Jacob Lawes | United Fresh (NZ)
Jane Proctor | Canadian Produce Marketing Association
Kelly Shields | Fresh Produce Consortium (UK)
Nikki Hulzebos | GroentenFruit Huis (NL)
Wendy L. Logan | International Fresh Produce Association (US)
Wil Murray | Sinclair (US)